Freitag, 9. Dezember 2011

and some pictures...

nice...the powercut is over - belive it or not, after one whole week!!!

so now i am able to show you some more pictures...these are pictures from the last 2 weeks or so. so from many differrent `events`. i like them, and i hope you will like them as well. enjoy

view through the window of a school we visited. they all wanted to shake my hand when they saw me!

some of our pupils playing.
the 2 boys in the back of the picture, eric and royzee, were born in uganda, and then went with their family to kongo. there their parents got killed, and an aunt of them came to bring them back to uganda. but on the way this aunt left them they police found them when they were loitering in some village and brought them here. they are right now almost the only pupils that stay here, because holidays started, and all got the permission to go `home` for a months... to see at least some family members - but these 2 boys dont have anyone, so they stay.
bringing beans from the farm

and storing the beans
on our farm we grow many vegetables - also beans. when they were harvested we brought them down to the school. they had to dry in the sunshine, but when it was raining (which happened by this time every day) we had to bring them you can see in the 2nd picture!
some children in zigoti

dodging a mess

the 2 children of our tailor lady

looking funny

some of our staff

streets in kampala

cups at a school where `a chance forchildren` provides porridge for the children

and the children of the cups

thats a normal road...and if it is raining you really have a problem!

schoolkids...happy to see the muzungu (white person)

the same

please note, these are 2 different class rooms made to destroy houses and people. these cars are used when people start do demonstrate
`some` files in the hospital
we had our speechday in the school, a day where the parents come to school and the children sing songs, play theatre and so on.
children preparing for the speechday

in our school compuond

might this be his future job?!

our brass band played an important role on this day

me and lian...the baby that had already 3 times malaria since i am here (just more than 2 months)

everybody getting prepeared...

...almost everybody... last round marching in the school compound

annd then we went on the road, to our village zigoti

with the chairman walking in the first row

abck at school, with parents and caretakers

after all the official things a football match took place. teachers against secondary students. everybody looked quite the same, besides the number seven of the teachers...!

what a team...with a legionnaire!

in this house i lived the first 1,5 months
a few days after our speechday there was a speechday in bongole, a school `a chance for children` built - and is running. its deep in the village. we went there with the brass band, and so it became a big day for the students!
its deep in the village

you see how many students are following!

find the mistake in this picture!!!

the guest of honor, chairperson LOC5 in the red dress, at a school we are just bulding. school will start in feb.
last week was the last week of school...the children have now a 2 month holiday. to celebrate this day we went to our farm (where i live) and slaughtered a pig. it was a huge pig...really huge. and it struggeled to survive - but failed. so all children went up, and we prepeared the pig...and eate a lot! some pictures from this event

barbiri, suzan and sarah

isiah and abe having a barbecue


children eating i front of the house where i live

children of ataff members ate as well there

talking with yudiah

in front of my house - the left room is mine

with joan...behind is a watertank. we safe rain water, for cooking, washing, bathing, drinkine (boiled). its much better water than at the waterhole

teopista with lian, isaac

some children at a different school

people in the audiance

saying a few words...with our chairman as translator

giving the graduates some certificates official duty! if you are whiet and you arrive there you are automatically something like the guest of honor!

some street kids on the way back
as i said we have holidays now...and most children could afford to get a bus home. not so patric. he erpaired his bike and went on a long, long journey
patric on the move...have a safe trip dude!
some few (very few, less than 10) children stayed. yesterday i repaired with them a small bike. and so royzee is now learning to ride a bicycle!! right now i bought some more materials to fix more bikes...i will do it when i came more children can learn!
go royzee...go

2 kids of workers

as they go i have to go as well...!! bye and take care people!!!

3 Kommentare:

flow hat gesagt…

nice pics... nice suit ;)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Severin,

wie immer echt interessant zu lesen - weiter so fleißig posten und pass auf dich auf!!

BG, Peter(FH Spanisch)

SuGo hat gesagt…

Lieber Severin,
sitze im grauen und nassen Salzburg, in dem die Leute hektisch Weihnachtseinkäufe schaufeln und denk an Dich.

Ich wünsche Dir einen ganz unbeschwerten, feinen Weihnachtsabend.

Bin beeindruckt von Dir und freue mich über Dich.

Alles Liebe