it has been a long time, i hope you are all doing well!
here in ghana it is fine, we have a new president, and i did not have malaria or typhoid fever. the day after my post i went to hospital to check for the deseases. it was interesting to be there in hospial, but i hope to aviod being there too often!! anyways, i had some big problems with my stomach, but its fine again!
see some pictures about some things that happened in the previous weeks!
a backgammon which i made |
muslim women after visiting the mosque |
some weeks ago we were invited to a muslim wedding. it was really interesting to attend this function!
see some pictures from the wedding
inside the compound of the bride - women preparing food |
stoves |
some kids at the wedding |
on the way from the brids house to the husbands |
husband siblim with his 3rd wife |
always pictures with the suliminga are welcome |
for some days we had sheep to cut our grass inside the compound! |
our cat playing with a frog - in the rainy season there are so many frogs here |
women selling fish on the road side |
the chief in a different village |
chiefs palace |
the corn is growing higher |
as you can imagine fromn the clouds - its still rainy season |
i also went to see a different chief and he was so happy to see me that he gave me a big present: 7 eggs and an alive chicken! the chicken was totally white, i am not sure if there is a connection to my colour !!!
me driving - in the bigger cities it can be stressfull, due to chaos on the roads |
from inside our car |
a woman transporting coal |
different transport |
at the trafic light i wanted to curve to the left. it was green, so i went to into the junction. suddenly 3 policemen entered the car on the back seat, and one came to teh window. they were really angry and unfriendly, accusing me to have entered the junction even though red light - but thats not true, they wanted to get money from the white man. they told me to drive to the police station, but i refused and said i call my boss. as soon as they were speaking to him, they calmed down, but still we had to go with them. at the police station, after a second phone call, we recieved a warning and could leave without paying... it was quite a bad situation, you do not know how many rights you have if you have any at all?!)...and its not a country where you want to mess with the police
this is the chicken i recieved as a present |
but some days go i salughtered it and we had barbecue. it was the first time in my life to do this, what i have done with so many fish already, with a was a bit funny, but ok
to feel more comfortable i bought a sofa! |
some days ago a man in my village died. we learned that he died, but not in the normal way - he was killed by a witch from my village. after he died people gathered and wanted to burn down the house of the witch. her good luck is that she is part of the chiefs family, so she is untouchable.
in the evening we were invited to see this boy, who is also a victim of the witch. he was bewitched more then a year ago, but 2 weeks ago the witch put fire under his feet - thats why they look like this. and this boy knew in advance that the other man would die...and told people in the night before. because he is bewitched he is getting slim, and also the medicine is not working - the witch takes it all.
it is really interesting, and people have a strong belive that witches exist - it doesnt matter if the people are illiterates or recieved good education!
anyways, we brought that bewitched man to hospital.
 | really looks a bit scary |
yesterday one of the volunteer girls left - so there is just one left. and she is leaving next week, so there will be some days where i will be the only white person around. but its going to be fine, i have no problem with that!
have a good day, sevi
some animals are huge and look interesting! |
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