Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

"agua azul" and san cristobal de las casas


even though the weather was bad it was beautiful


toilet in front of the jungle

my bag

what an island!!

my one can say anymore that i am so pale!!
as mentioned, i went to agua azul...its a nice river with waterfalls, and said to have several different shapes af blue. but that day it was just brown because of too much rain in the night!

after some time the weather got better (the colour did not change, but more and more people came!) and i decidet to move on - to san cristobal de las casas. when i arrived at the main road again, where i wanted to take a collectivo, there was a lot of police. the reason was, that in san cristobal there was a demonstration of the zapatistas - mosteley indigenous people of the region of chiapas who fight (former with weapons, now peacefully) for revolution/ change in the government.  they became famous in the world, since they made a "revolution" in chiapas in hte beginning of the year 1994, by getting several cities under their control and freeing many prisoners. it did not last long though. on the way to san cristobal (5 hours) there was loads of police on the streets.
san cristobal is a colonial town as well, and is has many, many churches!
church opposite of where i lived

all small chlidren are carried like this (on the back)

part of the zapatista demonstration

their typical sign is a black ski mask (sturmhaube solls heissen!)

traditional clothes

black ski masks everywhere

but it was very peaceful
in the beginning it was really strange to see all these people with their face covered - and it felt a bit dangerous. but it lost all the danger when i saw the first women in the typical colourfull dresses, with the black mask, brestfeeding their babies!!
against calderon (president of mexico) "no more blood" " we are too tired of injustice, masacres,..."

"calderons fault" "no more blood"

typical women in chiapas, welling clothes and jewellery. you find them everywhere in mexico
also typical, cleaning shoes

clothes market


...again - with something holly?!

on the way to sundays big market

at the market

you can buy clothes, flowers, food (alive chicken and turkeys)

and loads of great fruits!
 i also saw many "amazing " people, but could not take fotos of them, because they do not like it. they think, that taking a foto takes away some of their energy...and thats what they do not like!
"stop curruption in the police"

"freedom and pespect"

there was another fiesta...
 i heared muusic, and then always a person singing "guero, geuro" (geuro means blonde!) so i went there, and many people were there...i asked a lady what was going on, and she tole me "we are celebrating the blonde you! blonde like you" since the people were giving away t-shirts and other presents, i asked her if it is an organisation or somethiong like this. she said no, they just like the blonde so much, so they have this fiesta! i could not really belive it, but thought it was quite funny! and while they were singing "guero, guero" i was walking there, blonde as i am, in the middle of hundreds if people with dark hair!!
the front of the shirt

and the back side...written "el guero es my gallo" the blonde is my turkey FREUND

loads of different beans

a hairy fruit, like leechee...just grows in this region of mexico

the first sign of MS that i saw in mexico
i expected to see much more like this in mexico - and in general i expected it to be much more dangerous. in merida, yucatan peninsula, its really tranquil, and also the regions of campeche and chiapas are relaxed and safe. so the picture i got at home through the media (another massacre in and so many people killed in the drugwar) is totally wrong. for sure, in the north it is really dangerous, and many people warned me not to go more north...definately not more north than mexico city. but the picture i had from back at home was that the whole country is just dangerous, full of crime, drugs and murder. and thats not true. and as i said, in more then a month in mexico its the first graffity i saw in this dirrection!
another church!!!!

more like i thought mexico would be

once again colonial houses!
so now i am up to date again with the blog...and if you read this, you are up do date woth my life! hope you are all doing well, and thanks for writing many mails, its nice to be able to participate a bit in the life "back at home" as well!!

tomorrow, on sunday, i will get up early and go to the beach...what is your plan?!

hasta pronto, sevi

1 Kommentar:

agi.menardi-philipp hat gesagt…

hehe, i hab MS zuerst amal googlen müssen..;-)