Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011


on our way to hampi
now we stayed a week here in hampi, and its really nice! i came there with flo and xenia and alex, who we met in gokarna. hampi used to be an important religious place, so there are many nice old temples. as well it is said to have been the playground of the god hanuman, who was definitely strong, and threw around many bolders. many people come to hampi for boldering, and there round rocks everywhere are really amazing!!

the river devides hampi
 we arrived on the side where most of the temples are located, but wanted to live on the other side. since there is no bridge you need to take a ferry!
our farm
 i stay here in this farm. it has 4 rooms, 2 for the farmer, his wife and the son, one for me and one for alex and xenia. the family has 3 cows, and so we get chai with fresh milk in the morning!! and its a nice place, everywhere are rice fields and today/ tomorrow they will plant the rice!
alex (greece), xenia (uk) and dima (india)

rice fields
 these fields are used to grow the rice for the first few weeks, and when it is big enough people take it from a field like this and plant it in different fields - with much more space for the rice! right now you see people working on the rice fields everywhere...and this green is amazing!
burning down some fields

...liked...! (alex, xenia and flo chilling)

without words...its amazing here!!
 you can see many people bathing and washing clothes in the river. it is really busy here

women are dressed very colorful

the rocks are everywhere

one of the main temples

with a rickshaw
still in use?!

small "temple" in a shop


delivering eggs at a restaurant

the way up to...

...the place...

...where hanuman was born!

super view

backside of the temple

he is something like a taxi on this lake

nice to swim here
 one day we rented motorbikes and went exploring some villages. everywhere people were working on the fields, and everybody was really friendly. in the villages everybody talks to you, most people are very interested, some obviously dont know how to act with a white person...and some children just cried! but in general its a great experience!! the people all want that you take a picture with them, and they love to see the pictures. sometimes they where even shouting through the rice fields and asked if i could take a picture of them. they were far away, and never saw the picture -  but where happy to be on it! people ask the same questions always, so i dont know how often i said my name and country on this day!
women planting rice

field work
"picture please..."

they get stones there (ein steinbruch!)

"one foto..."

women washing in front of the temple


the lake again

and some more bolders!

school class entering temple


some thorns on/in my foot

der groesste tausendfuessler ever

find the mistake!

my bike was called miss india!

some huge horns... the streets

view from flos place

our farm house at sunset

my bag
 i finally managed to sew the flags of the countries i visited so far on this trip onto my backpack... i am curious how it will look at the end of my trip!!
his job is to clean the coconut palms of the old leaves and big coconuts

 and some more stones...
i am now in a internetcafe, it took ages again - so i dont want to write many mails now...but thank you so much for many mails wishing a happy new year, and its always nice to hear also whats happening in your life! so the people i am thanking now know who i mean...haha!

flo will leave hampi soon, and i am right now checking how my trip could continue...i think i will go up the east coast, to kolkata and then to bangladesh...

i will see and let you know!! have a good time, a nice weekend and im happy to hear also from the other side of the world - even though its difficult to answer mails for me...
enjoy your weekend!!

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