Da subá!
Well, i arrived safely in ghana, after travelling via istanbul (including 15 hours at the airport). In ghana someboy from brave aurora, the NGO for whom i am the project leader in ghana, (www.braveaurora.com) picked me up from the airport and i was living with this big african family for some days in accra, ghanas capital.
I could learn a bit about the country, ate a lot of local food (mostly with my hands – like it a lot!!) and could get some how used to the heat. Also a dog bit me in my toe, the first time in my life. So now im happy i got the anti-rabies inoculation (tollwutimpfung) before going to india…makes me feel better now!
Last Thursday i was supposed to leave with the bus at 8 in the morning to guabuliga, up in the northern region of ghana. But unfotunately the bus was delayed, and left only at 2 pm. As i demanded i sat at the window…but i sat behind the driver, and next to an armed policeman, who was escorting the bus. It seems there have been some robberies some time back. And in the bus i was wondering about the safety, the safety of my seat. And realized that my place was the most dangerous in the bus, because if someone wants to rob the bus they have to eliminate the driver, and the ploiceman…and i was inbetween them. But fortunately nothing happened!
Anyways, the landscape was really nice, the road was sometimes miserable, but mostely ok…and i arrived at 6 in the morning in walewale, where i got picked up by some of the volunteers and the oldest boy of the orphanage.
After a breakfast i started to explore my new „home town“…wow, ist really like an african stereotype! All these round houses, many kids, its hot like crazy, all animals are so thin… i met some of „my“ workers and many oft he kids…
rahema just lost a tooth |
rail way in accra |
many, many people sell food and drinks on the road |
maria, one of the volunteers |
thats where i live, its my house |
one of thee 2 orphanages "braveaurora" has |
on the way to the match |
praying before the match |
the match ended 1:1, and then we lost after penalties |
On Saturday a soccer match took place, and i saw fort he first time the team i am going to coach. The match ended 1:1, but we lost after penalties! When i came to ghana i had 51,7 kg luggage, half of it jerseys and footballs, donated mostly by my former football club usk elsbethen…thanks a lot!! So now the team needs to improve, and then were ready to play with many different jerseys!
On sunday i went to church in the morning, to introduce myself to the community. The priest sayed that he is waiting for me now every Sunday – but i immediately told him that i will be so busy that i cant make it every Sunday…unfortunately!!!
some of my neighbours...the whole in front is used for burning the rubbish |
some village kids |
women fetching water |
assana, after fetching water in our compound |
baobab in walewale, the enxt bigger village, 30 min driving away from "home" |
magda and andrea, 2 more of the volunteers |
typical houses in the village...it really looks like africa, if you imagine how africa looks!! |
one day i met these 4 women...see them in more detail below |
Sunday afternoon i met the chief of the village. He ist he law, decides what is ok and what isnt. When you meet him you have to give him some „cola nuts“, probably something between a gift and a bribe?! And these nuts should make you some how high…yet i didnt have the chance to try them.
those pictures i like a lot...!!!
one of the elderst people in the village, calling the other eldest with his drum for a meeting |
while the kids in uganda called me "muzungu", here i am "sulminga" |
it took ages to upload these pics. i have some more, but have to upload them another day. im too tired now!
so hope you are all doing fine, and wish you the best!