Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011

good morning

How is everybody??
I guess at home its quite `Christmas like` already? And you people spend the evenings at `christkindlmarkt`? its now (at least supposed to be )quite cold in Austria, and so people often go in the evenings to christmas markets, where they can buy some hot wine with spices. Its nice to drink it when its cold!! Brazipumiha…!!
Here its neither like Christmas, nor is it getting cold. We are coming to the end of the rain season, so every day its more dry and more hot!
Since gunter left I had even more work, in the school but as well some official functions…visiting people from the government, attending many speechdays (a day where the parents come to school, and the children sing songs, play theater, music etc.), giving speeches at these places as the donor representative from Austria…so there was a lot of traveling – and I got to see more of the country!
I was always in sports shoes… but almost all people here wear leather shoes…and so I had to buy (the first time in my life) black leather shoes…because I thought if I go to meet important people from the government, I should look a bit more smart! And I even borrowed for some functions the jacket of a suit. But I could not be convinced to wear a whole suit yet!!!
Since a lot happened I also have many pictures to show! I went actually a few days ago to the next city, where its possible to upload pictures…for updating the blog and some other issues. But there was power cut, and so it was not possible! please note, we have a power cut (no electricity) since thursday - today is wednesday. so almost for a week...crazy!!!
But now, finally, I manage to write! but where i am the internet is so weak that i cant uploade many pictures. i will try one or two...!

And I changed some settings, now its REALLY possible to leave comments…

ach and one more thing! 2 days ago i was playing football, barefoot, and i thought i stepped on something. so i had a closer look at my foot...and some one else had a closer look - and we agreed that i have a jiggar! thats an animal which goes into your skin, lives in the foot, and if you do not remove it it produces more and more. so lucky enough i realized when it was just one!! but still a bit weird! and now we removed it and i have a hole where the jiggar used to be!

Enjoy your day!

view out of my terrace (maybe i posted already...sry!)

the girl of one of our cooks

hungry and disadvantaged child
 one day a nurse turned up at our school, and she brought 2 children like this one. they were really in a bad state...so now we supprot them with some nutritious food.
me giving a speech, and our chairman translating to luganda, the local language

find the mistake...!

rose and susan, 2 of our pupils!

with these big smiles i wish you a good 7th of december and a good time before christmas!

and i hope to be able soon to upload many more pics...have to go to work, see you

5 Kommentare:

agi.menardi-philipp hat gesagt…

i will das loch im fuß sehen..;) und am besten das viech auch noch..;-)


Fabs hat gesagt…

jo chef, anzug steht da guat! take care

Fabs hat gesagt…

a und andere frage, hasch mei e mail krigt?

SuGo hat gesagt…

Trotz eingehender Suche hab ich nicht gefunden, was "jiggar" in diesem Fall bedeuten kann. Aber es klingt grausig...
Dafür schaust du um so ungrausiger im Anzug aus ;-)
Take care of U

Anonym hat gesagt…

will auch a foto vom getier im fuss sehen, lg kirscht