since it is a sunday i had time to go to a different city with better internet. my aim is to update the blog up to today...which means uploading many pics, because i think many are worth showing!
i am still doing exactely a month ago i arrived, but it feels much longer...and i have experienced so much!
in the last days i also ate some new food...enswa and grashoppers! grashoppers are fried, the people told me they taste sweet...i cant really prove that. they are not so big, have a straneg taste and i do not like it too much. but i was told that they were too fried...and since its now grashopper season i will get the chance to try others soon! but more spectacular were senswa. these are ants with big wings. one day i saw how a girl ate them - alive! i could not do it but thought i will take my next chance...and a few days ago i saw some kids gathering on the ground, with a lot of plastic. they covered holes where loads of enswa came out. they ledt the hole and wanted to fly - but were caught before. and so i had to try as hold them at the wings and bite off the head. its a bit strange, but ok. to me they did not have too much taste, but the kids had again the opinion they were sweet! anyways, it was the first anmals i ate on purpose alive!!
so see some more pics
she looks like she would live in austria!! |
isaac and claudia |
to isaac i always speak german...and he enjoys it a lot! he is always laughing when he hears it!
2 weeks ago i was in the capital, in kampala. to be honest it was the most boring big city i have visited in my life! but still some pictures are worth showing!
taxi station |
if i go to other cities i always move in taxis like this...and they are quite full (with people, but also chicken and everything else...2 days ago i saw one which had fresh fish in front-outside!)
poverty...and coca cola |
strassensperre |
the parliament |
president muSEVENi |
but he does not deserve to have the number seven in his name!!
in the streets... |
children get mostly excited if they see me |
while visiting another school |
as you can see they need to bring firewood to school - for cooking
mathslesson...p stands for posho!! |
HIV prevention is an important issue |
in the school compound of another school |
on the way... |
to a school `a chance for children` builds |
lady with son at the school bongole |
babyclass...singing for the mango tree!! |
termites |
traditional house |
poor farmer... |
...with her grandchild (parents died becaues of aids)... |
...and her goat! |
the house where they live! |
in mytiana |
`bye bye muzungu` |
close to our school...its still rain season |
in the morning...view out of my window |
people in uganda were quite pro gadaffi |
laundry day |
cooks prepairing matooke |
people are supposed to use only english |
visit in a different school |
the school children are happy... |
 | see muzungu! |
same in our school! |
breakfast porridge with beatrice |
in mytiana |
see what is all transportet on bicicles |
P7 students go to write their final exam! |
close to the neighbours |
supper in our kitchen |
visiting schools with cesar (chairman) |
in a school |
fuer dich thomas...das is im headoffice einer schule!! hoffe es geht gut doc!! |
another school `a chance for children` will be a school for handicapped |
children collecting enswa...tha ants i also ate |
you hold them like this and ENJOY!! |
yesterday was the P7 leavers party since their exams are written |
with yuddhya in our school compound |
...with dorothy, a teacher |
2 of our pupils |
son of the cook |
some of yesterdays visitors |
haddija |
soem kids looked so funny... |
so now you are updated!!
yesterday was also a meeting with some HIV positive pupils we will start to support. it was strange, you sit next to them, you dont see that they are so sick...but you also know that without support they would be dead already.
so i hope you are all doing well...people continue to keep me updated about your live...and thanks for the mails!!
jungs, euch viel spass in vegas...und ned alles verzocken!! dann geht sich mal a urlaub aus...
take care, sevi
1 Kommentar:
thx for updating. Sehr interessant!
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