last bu not least kalaw!
its west of inle lake, and we went there with the intention to go trekking...some things went wrong again with the guide - but i wont bother you! just enjoy the pictures!!
all people (men) play this! |
trekking turned out to be more "spaziergang" |
but the landscape was really nice |
toilet - all the dirt proves its right next to the rails! |
the highlight of the trek was a festival, where 106 boys turned to novices...some images from that festival!
monks and nuns walk in the morning and collect food |
and they are happy if they get! |
schoolkids |
we visited this school in the teacher for about 100 kids...and they were all really fucked up...broken cloths and dirty...really poor. but they had fun, and were singing and dancing for us! it was really nice to see...and worth leaving some money there
check out the tiny one s on the left! |
with a new student |
the guy in the middle was our guide |
we saw live "EL CLASSICO" |
...a really young monk... |
card trick |
construction site...most work done by women |
tailoring |
street food in different variations |
monestery |
cleaning the streets |
as well |
it has been really nice in myanmar, no one should be scared to go there...i (we) felt always totally safe. sure they have a bad regime, but you as a traveler dont really feel it -just a few stupid questions, but you get stupid questions in different countries as well!
my actual plan was to go to lao, cambodia and vietnam after myanmar...but i met a few people who have been to myanmar as well as these countries and they all said it was much better in myanmar. so i decidet not to go there...
yesterday 6 month ago i left for between i saw so much, learned a lot from many different people, became vegetarian (but stopped it 2 days ago again...a friend from flo arrived the same day as we in bangkok, and he braught us some good bread, cheese and sausage from germany...a reason to eat meat again!!thanks again!!!), learned again to eat with my fingers...and ate tons of rice like this! i spent 195 hours in loads of different buses, 135 hours in trains...and walked hundreds of towns and on mountains.
now its enough of asia...but dont worry, im not coming home...tonight i fly via south korea and the us to mexico!! looking forward to that... and im happy if you join me also on a totally different part of the world!
all in all it i had really an amazing half! i enjoyed all of the countries i visited, but my personal favorite is nepal - so far! im excited how central and then south america are going to be...and im happy to learn a new language...and hopefully get less rice to eat!! take care, im off