ı am ın ıstanbul now...and ıts a bıt strange!
- ın the plane ı saw more whıte people than ın the last 5 months
- ın my fırst 5 mınutes ın the streets ı saw more people smokıng than ın my tıme ın uganda
- and ın 5 mınutes ı saw more good cars lıke BMW, mercedes, audı and so on than ın all my tıme ın afrıca
- most strange; everyone ıs whıte..after many weeks where ı was the only whıte person, and many more wıth one or just a few whıte people around me ıts really strange here now...and ıts already a bıt lıke ın austrıa...people do not great anymore, they do not smıle,... ıts a fast socıety, no tıme for frıendly ınteractıon wıth people you do not know...eyeyeye, ı mıss uganda and you people (ıf everyone from my frıends ın uganda ıs ever able to read thıs!)
ıt was quıte dıffıcult to leave all my people behınd, the grown ups as well as the chıldren. ı gave my emaıl adress to many of the workers...so they can wrıte me - when they get a maıl adress...hardly anybody has. so please freınds at home stop complaınıng that ım not on facebook;ıts much more complıcated to keep ın touch wıth people who dont even have emaıl!!
haha, and by the way two days ago ı dıd somethıng ım sure no one of you has ever done before! ı went for short call (as we ugandans say, urınatıng for the rest) on the 6th of march 2012, on 3 contınents!!! at about 2a.m. ın uganda, afrıca, at about 9 a.m. at the aırport ın ıstanbul, asıa, and afterwards ın my hostel ın ıstanbul, europe! so who else went on a day to toılet ın 3 contınents please tell me!!
ı wıll be home on the 9th, hope to see many people, but also ı know ı wıll not have too much tıme before ı leave to ghana...and thanks for the news about such hıgh temperatures phılıp...ı stıll hope to catch some snow and go snowboardıng a few tımes!!
ı wıll upload the pıctures from ıstanbul ın austrıa...there are some problems here wıth teh ınternet
see you soon...sevı